Exemption from liability: All content of this website, unless otherwise declared, has been made publicly available by fangocur GmbH. The information provided on the fangocur website is not intended to replace recommendations or treatment provided by a physician or other healthcare professional.
Do not use the information found on this website to diagnose or treat a health condition. Consult with your doctor if you are currently taking medication, are experiencing any health symptoms, are on a special diet, or are pregnant or nursing before using any product based on information provided on this website.
Should side effects or health problems arise due to the improper use of any products offered on this website, fangocur GmbH assumes no liability. Moreover, fangocur GmbH is not responsible for statements, claims or recommended dosages provided by the manufacturers of products. Additionally, fangocur GmbH cannot be held responsible for typing mistakes or changes in product composition.
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Brunn 105b
8350 Fehring
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