Bentoforte from fangocur Eliminates Bad Breath Naturally
Many people suffer with bad breath, though few talk about it. Many of those affected often do not even notice that they suffer from bad breath because they are already insensitive to their own smell. The environment, on the other hand, suffers even more.
Bad breath is not a curse or something people just have to live with. There are effective ways to correct this often embarrassing problem.
There are many possible causes for bad breath (i.e. halitosis). The most common reasons for bad breath are an over-abundance of bacteria in the mouth and/or throat as well as digestive problems such as gastroenteritis, acid reflux or an excessively acidic stomach.
In addition to the acute treatment of bad breath, treatment with fangocur Bentoforte primarily aims to regenerate the entire digestion, eliminate inflammation and create a healthy environment in the mouth and throat.
Bentoforte provides fast and effective relief from bad breath now. It also prevents bad breath from recurring in the future.
Bad breath doesn’t have a chance when you use Bentoforte regularly.

Bentoforte normalises digestive function
In more rare cases, the cause of bad breath is related to a dysfunctional digestive system. Bentoforte is also useful here as foul-smelling metabolic waste in the intestinal tract as well as any excess acid in the stomach is taken up and encouraged to pass out of the body in the stool. This means that the stomach and intestinal tract can no longer be potential sources of bad breath.
Bentoforte from fangocur
- bekämpft rasch die Bakterienkolonien im Mund- und Rachenraum
- hemmt Entzündungen (etwa eine Zahnfleischentzündung)
- absorbiert übelriechende Ausscheidungsstoffe im Magen-Darm-Bereich
- reguliert die Verdauung
- stellt ein gesundes Milieu im Mund- und Rachenraum her

How is Bentoforte used in the treatment of bad breath?
- Add a heaping teaspoon of Bentoforte powder to about 1/8 litre of lukewarm water, stir, and allow it to steep for 10 minutes. Stir again before use.
- Take a sip of Bentoforte and rinse your mouth well.
- Next gargle with the Bentoforte to thoroughly disinfect the back of the mouth and throat. Spit out the Bentoforte.
- It’s also okay if you swallow some of the Bentoforte drink after gargling – about half of the solution you’ve made – in order to also address bad breath arising from the digestive system. Repeat the process until the glass is empty.
- After a few minutes, briefly brush your teeth again, ideally using one of the natural fangocur toothpastes that best compliments your oral healthcare goals. The aim here is to remove the rest of the Bentoforte from your mouth. Afterwards it’s best to avoid eating or drinking for at least a half an hour.
To be rid of bad breath, we recommend a preventative short-term treatment 2 or 3 times per year.
What can I do to fight bad breath when I’m on the go?
The ideal compliment to using Bentoforte to treat bad breath is one of the fangocur mouth sprays. This means that from the very first day on, you’re doing even more to fight bad breath. The mouth sprays are anti-bacterial and provide you with lasting freshness without damages the oral environment. The mouth sprays contain only 100% natural ingredients of the highest quality. They are also very useful after you’ve had something to eat or drink with a more intense taste (and smell), e.g. pasta with garlic, strong coffee. Try the fangocur mouth spray FRESH or the fangocur mouth spray STRONG with a long-term effect!

Fight bad breath in a 100% pure and natural way!
Additional Important Information about Bad Breath
We would like to provide you with some additional helpful information about bad breath. This includes not only a description of the more common causes of this condition but also a collection of useful tips for fighting and preventing halitosis.
Preventing Bad Breath
You don’t have to live with bad breath…you can do something about it! Bentoforte is a useful way to treat bad breath now and to prevent it from recurring. Here are some additional things you can do about bad breath:
- Thoroughly brush your teeth at least twice per day, and floss once per day. Use a tooth brush that is designed to remove plaque and food particles from the space between the teeth as well as the border between tooth and gums.
- After brushing your teeth, rinse your mouth and gargle with Bentoforte. This is an effective treatment for problems not only of the mouth but also the throat, oesophagus and stomach.
- As needed, as well as after meals, use the fangocur Mouth Spray FRESH or the fangocur Mouth Spray STRONG.
- Limit coffee, beer and wine, as well as all foods that cause bad breath, or use the fangocur FRESH mouth spray or the fangocur STRONG mouth spray after consuming them.
- If you wear a bridge or ‘false teeth’, daily cleaning is essential. This is best done in the evening and once again in the morning. You can also gargle with fangocur Bentoforte at these time to fight bad breath.
- Regular visits to the dentist are important, both for a check-up and a professional cleaning. It’s a good idea to have your teeth professionally cleaned once or twice per year.
- You should also clean your tongue as it can also harbour many bacteria. You can use a normal spoon to gently scrape the tongue, or you might try a special tongue scraper available from your local pharmacy or health food store. By cleaning the tongue regularly, up to 60% of foul odours in the mouth can be eliminated – once per day is normally sufficient, and take care to also clean the sides. This can be more challenging than it sounds as you may need to hold the tongue in place. Bentoforte also cleans the tongue when used as described above.
Tip & Tricks for Bad Breath
What else can be done about bad breath?
- Thoroughly chew your food.
- Be sure to drink enough water every day – 2 litres is a good amount to aim for.
- Use a different tooth brush for your morning, afternoon and evening brushing. The extended time between uses allows the brush to dry more completely and this hinders any bacteria present from reproducing.
- Various types of tea can help to eliminate bad breath – these include peppermint, aniseed, caraway, cinnamon and even green tea. Scientific research has shown that a substance call polyphenol which is present in some teas can be very helpful in inhibiting bacterial growth in the mouth.
- As needed use the fangocur Mouth Spray FRESH or the fangocur Mouth Spray STRONG – 2-3 sprays.
- Chewing gum helps. The beneficial effect is actually not from the fresh taste but rather the increased production of saliva.
- Chlorophyl tablets can be used to treat bad breath. Ask your druggist or pharmacist.
- Cloves, fennel seed and aniseed can be helpful in preventing bad breath when chewed between meals.
- When used 1-2 times per week, Bentoforte helps to prevent bad breath. Bad breath doesn’t have a chance.
Bentoforte helps you to be rid of bad breath…and the results last!
- quickly eliminates bacteria colonies living in the mouth and throat
- fights inflammation (e.g. gum inflammation) and promotes healing
- absorbs foul smelling metabolic waste products in the digestive tract
- normalises the digestive system
- promotes a healthy environment in the mouth and throat
Bentoforte provides fast and effective relief from bad breath now. It also prevents bad breath from recurring in the future.
A Foundation of Trust
When you order with fangocur, you can also of course pay via bank transfer after you receive your order! You will normally receive your order within one to three business day after placing your order.

39,20 €
tax included, delivery extra
(19,60 € / 100ml)
Bentoforte from fangocur
Enough for three weeks
The natural and safe way to fight bad breath (halitosis)
Bentoforte Double Pack

73.40 €
tax included
(18,35 € / 100ml)
You save 5€ and pay nothing for shipping!
Bentoforte from fangocur
Enough for six weeks
The natural and safe way to fight bad breath (halitosis)
All About fangocur
The company was founded in 1999 and is located in a region of Austria know for its thermal springs. During the development and production of our products, we strive to ensure that all of the ingredients remain in the most natural form possible, for example fango healing clay, free from and artificial or chemical additives. Moreover, the active ingredients and the positive effects of the ingredients should not be negatively affected by the production process. This is why fangocur attaches the utmost importance to careful production – much of the work is actually done by hand.
At fangocur we strive to consistently improve through ongoing research and development in the field of natural healing. Our work leads to new treatment concepts, and relatedly to new products, which make it possible to address various health conditions in entirely natural ways, without any artificial chemicals. This level of improvement is only possible through cooperation with universities and other recognised research institutions. We at fangocur are committed to proving the authenticity of all of the claimed benefits of our products through established scientific methods. As we have put in the work needed to meet internationally accepted standards, the company has been certified by TÜV Austria as a manufacturer of products suitable for medical use. This means that fangocur is officially authorised to produce products with medical applications and distribute them internationally. Such special status is only possible for companies that correctly fulfil all of the respective strict requirements and take part in regular quality control checks carried out by independent testing bodies.
Since the the founding of the company in Austria in 1999, the fangocur products have experienced growing popularity all over Europe. As of now, around 300,000 people have put their trust in fangocur and make use of our natural products.
Legal notice:
and likewise any products described on the website are not to be taken as a replacement for medical treatment recommended by your physician. Take care to use fangocur products properly and follow the instructions contained in the package inserts. Do not exceed recommended dosages.